Luzbido is an Erotic Art installation.
It is composed by concretely geometric elements. Pedestals silently charged with sexual libido, both facing towards a light symbol the powers and modulates the thought of the player. A tiny time-space of mental privacy.
The work proposes a triggering of sexual memories.
Based on a total symbolic abstraction, it gives the player freedom in the association of these memories, through a clear masturbatory action that triggers self emotions and a personal significance of the light symbol and the interactive experience.
// Showcased at:
Mundo Triángulo - Intervenciones Galácticas e Interactivas.
Club Premier, Buenos Aires, September 9, 2014
Festival Enlaces UNTREF
Tres de Febrero, October 11, 12 y 13, 2014
FestiDomingas Prrrn!
Festival Erótico y Pornográfico, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015
Pictures: The Installation - Light Painting - Making of
Idea, Electronics, Programming and Setup: Agustín Ramos Anzorena Flavia Laudado (
Cristian Espinoza (
Guido Martín (
Flavia Laudado
Agustin Ramos Anzorena
Photo retouching:
Agustin Ramos Anzorena
Thanx to:
FabLab Buenos Aires ( for all the carving and Maximiliano Torres Sagardoy on his assistance for shaping the vagina pedestal.
Cristian Espinoza |